The Blount-Slawson Young Artists Competition!

The Montgomery Symphony Orchestra has announced the next Blount-Slawon Young Artists Competition on January 29-30, 2011 at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. Applications must be post marked by December 10th!

The competition is open to 7th-12th graders who go to school in the US. String, wind, brass, percussion, and piano are all eligible for entry.  The full rules and regulations can be viewed here.

Aside from generous a cash prize, education award, and symphony performance, the  first prize winner of this contest will appear on one of our From the Top radio shows with host Christopher O’Riley.

Last year, From the Top’s own Music Producer Tom Vignieri was a judge, and previous winners have included From the Top alums like Anna Lee.

Please spread the word to all the young musicians you know!