A Tale of Two Toppers

After being on From the Top, Tommy Topper went to college at NEC, won several competitions, and then brought music lessons to shelter dogs in Ontario. And then there’s Tanya Topper…

We haven’t heard anything from Tanya Topper. She’s probably doing amazing things, but we’re not sure what they are because we haven’t heard from her. In Tommy’s case, we’ve written blogs about his achievements and projects, and shared details for his recitals on our social media channels. Like this, and this, and this.

But we haven’t been able to write a single blog post about Tanya.

From the Top alumni are winning the silver medal at the International Tchaikovsky Competition, they’re advising the President in the White House and they’re writing a food blog in North Dakota. We want to celebrate all of our alums’ accomplishments, whether they are in music, neuroscience, teaching, or circus trapeze.

Don’t be like Tanya. Be like Tommy. Send your alumni updates to alumni@fromthetop.org today!


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