Tag: Video
- Meet 13-year-old violinist Hina Khuong-Huu!Aug 22, 2018
Hina Khuong-Huu (violin), 13, started to play the violin when she was three years old. She has won top prizes at the Osaka International Competition, the Grumiaux Competition, and Il Piccolo Violino Magico, and competed in the Menuhin Competition. She has attended the Musica Mundi Chamber Music Course and Festival in Belgium, and currently attends […]
- 5 Music Students & 5 DaysAug 2, 2016
Arts Leadership in Action Join us this week as members of our Center for the Development of Arts Leaders (CDAL) work with students at the Conservatory Lab Charter School (CLCS) in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The CLCS students had to learn an entirely new piece of music, put it together as a group, and perform it at […]