Playing music for others, with others, is more than enough

Mai-Nguyen_FY16Mai Nguyen is a member of our 2015-2016 Center for the Development of Arts Leaders. She recently performed at Goddard House Assisted Living in Brookline, Massachusetts, and sent Shea Mavros, our Education Program Manager, this great note: 


Dear Shea,

This is probably kind of unexpected, but I really wanted to let you know how much I loved performing at Goddard House!

I didn’t expect to feel so welcomed by the audience (who, by the way, were super cool). Even though they couldn’t jump up and down or scream the heck out of their lungs, their joy while we played was so radiant, I could feel it. I just couldn’t stop smiling, even when I was supposed to play! I felt really nervous playing in front of an audience I would meet face-to-face afterwards and playing with three older, absolutely amazing musicians. You, Yui, Nick, and Julianne were so kind helpful in every way; I would have been lost without you guys.

Music is so much fun for me, don’t get me wrong – but sometimes, there’s so much stress, anxiety, and pressure that practicing can feel like a chore.

But at Goddard House, nobody was thinking, “Hmm, she’s not as good as so-and-so,” or “My interpretation of that piece is better.” We were just enjoying the music. Performing at Goddard House reminded me why I play the flute. Not for winning competitions, or college applications, or scholarships. Playing music for others, with others, is a (more than) good enough reason in itself.

I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that I’m in CDAL! :)




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