Minoo Jang, oboe

Hometown: Bellevue, Washington

Meet Minoo

Minoo performs on Show 446.

Minoo Jang (oboe), 18, from Bellevue, Washington, is a senior at Lakeside School in Seattle. He is an oboe student of Dan Williams and Mary Lynch-Vanderkolk. Since picking up the oboe in fourth grade, Minoo has been performing with the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra, and has also played with various chamber ensembles and as a pit musician for Les Misérables in high school. He’s been recognized by YoungArts and the MTNA National Conference, and is an alum of the BUTI 2022 Young Artists Orchestra and NYO-USA 2023 tour.

Minoo enjoys writing for his school newspaper and volunteering at a local community garden. When not making reeds or in rehearsal, you can find him out on a jog or attempting The New York Times‘ daily crossword.

Listen to Minoo

Show 446
Collision Etudes - III. Jimson Weed-Georgia O'Keeffe by Alyssa Morris (b. 1984)