Jamie Park, double bass

Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

Meet Jamie

Jamie performs on Show 434.

Jamie Park (double bass), 18, is from Cleveland, Ohio, and is a freshman at Northwestern University studying under Andrew Raciti. She began playing the double bass at age 4 and studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music with Tracy Rowell. She is a 2021 National YoungArts Finalist and 2022 NYO-USA bassist. She is a 2022 inaugural recipient of the Jane Little Scholarship of the International Society of Bassists. She has performed in master classes for Paul Ellison, Francois Rabbath, Hal Robinson, Jeff Bradetich, and Sam Suggs, among many others. She hopes to continue finding ways to share her love of double bass with the wider musical community. Outside of music, Jamie likes to listen to different genres of music and play with her cats when she’s at home.

Listen to Jamie

Show 434
2 Pièces pour contrebasse et piano, Op. 32 II. Scherzo, Reinhold Glière (1875-1956)