Arts Leadership in Bethlehem, PA

Last week, From the Top taped a show at Lehigh University in the beautiful town of Bethlehem, PA. Our four soloists joined us the following morning at the Arts Leadership orientation, where we explored the way music can make a difference and shared inspiring examples of arts leadership. We were truly fortunate to have one such example join us that morning: Stanford Thompson, the founder and Director of the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra’s Tune-Up Philly.

Stanford Thompson and the BOBs

When asked to define arts leadership, our performers agreed on the following:

  1. A way of communicating with others beyond words, and making a lasting impact
  2. Helping people that aren’t in the best conditions and making them realize that they can also help and change the world
  3. Helping younger kids find what they love to do

The group named themselves “The BOBs”, or Bring On Bethlehem, and created a fun video to introduce themselves and share their message on arts leadership. Check it out below!

To learn more about the show, check out this week’s On the Road with Joanne Robinson, and be sure to tune in when the show airs the week of January 17th!  You can check specific air dates and times here.