Taeguk Mun Performs to Benefit Children Around the World

16-year-old cellist Taeguk Mun wanted to support the efforts of his church, Hyo Shin Bible Presbyterian Church of New York, NY, in their missions abroad. He organized a recital to benefit a charity program supporting children in Bangladesh, and managed to raise just under $1,000 for the cause! With the help of his church, his family, and From the Top, Taeguk was able to organize a successful performance. He was accompanied by Noreen Polera on the piano, with a guest appearance by the Hyo Shin Little Choir.

“I learned that through what I love to do the most, I can help people in so many different ways. I can have benefit concerts to help a cause, or I can just play my music and make people feel happy and relaxed. I think it is amazing how I can actually make people feel any emotion through my music.”

Read more about Taeguk’s benefit recital on our Arts Leadership Map!

Taeguk on From the Top in Abilene, TX, November 2010. Photo by John Best