Alums Emma Steele and Nancy Zhou Finalists in 10th International Sibelius Violin Competition

Emma Steele. Photo credit: Stefan Cohen/WGBH

Currently the 10th International Sibelius Violin Competition is taking place in Helsinki, Finland and two From the Top alums are among the six international finalists! First and Second round competitors also includes From the Top alums Eunice Keem, Elly Suh and Stephen Kim.

This is really exciting for Emma Steele and Nancy Zhou – the Sibelius Violin Competition is one of the premiere violin competitions in the world and it only takes place every five years. On top of that, the competition is open for competitors up to age 30 – Emma is just 20 and Nancy is only 17!

Emma was on Show 71 in Troy, NY back in 2002 and appeared on Season 2/Episode 4 of From the Top at Carnegie Hall with the Ridere String Quartet.  Her brother Allan Steele was on Show 197 in Cedar Rapids with the Aurelia String Quartet and again as a soloist on Show 214 in Iowa City.

Nancy Zhou

Nancy was on Show 123 in San Antonio in 2005.

Tuesday, November 30 was the first night of finals and they continue Wednesday, December 1 and Thursday, December 2. You can watch them online as the competition progresses and on the video below.

Watch Emma play Bartok.

Watch Nancy play Prokofiev 2

Congrats Emma and Nancy for this fabulous accomplishment!